Dr. Nilesh K Kanjani
Dr. Nilesh K Kanjani is a well-known Ophthalmology in Ahmedabad. Dr. Nilesh K Kanjani has over 19 years of experience practising medicine in various hospitals and clinics. Dr. Nilesh K Kanjani is known for excellence in Posterior Segment - Senior Consultant Vitreo Retina, Vitreo-Retina Consultant. Dr. Nilesh K Kanjani's profile page has the full list of expertise. Dr. Agarwal's Eye Hospital - 9-7-214/1, 215/217, Hanuman Towers, Maruthi Nagar, New Santoshnagar, Landmark: Near Yadagiri Theatre Santosh Nagar Hyderabad-
Clinic fee: ₹300.0
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