Chickenpox (also known as varicella) is an infection caused by a virus named varicella zoster. It is mostly a mild infection characterised by itching; rash on the face, trunk, hands and legs that later form small boils; fever and tiredness. Some people may also experience headaches. The boils dry and form scabs in four to five days, and it may take 10 days to 3 weeks for a person to recover completely. Chickenpox commonly affects children. It is transmitted from one person to another by touch or by air when the affected person coughs or sneezes. Rare complications like skin blisters, pneumonia or inflammation of the brain can occur if chickenpox does not resolve due to poor immunity, and the patient may require hospitalisation. Conventionally, varicella vaccine is given to children to prevent chickenpox. In homoeopathy, there are some very effective medicines that help alleviate chickenpox symptoms without any complications. Homoeopathic remedies like aconite, antimonium crudum, belladonna, pulsatilla and sulphur are used for the treatment of chickenpox.

  1. Homoeopathic medicines for chickenpox
  2. Dietary and lifestyle changes for chickenpox patient as per homoeopathy
  3. How effective are homoeopathic medicines and treatments for chickenpox
  4. Side effects and risks of homoeopathic medicine and treatments for chickenpox
  5. Takeaway
Doctors for Homeopathic medicine, treatment and remedies for Chickenpox
  • Aconitum Napellus
    Common Name: Monkshood
    Symptoms: People who benefit from this remedy have some of the following symptoms:
    • Sudden onset of symptoms
    • Extreme fear and fright
    • Restlessness with both physical and mental complaints
    • Feverish feeling
    • Generalised burning sensation of the skin
    • Red rashes all over the body
    • Dry and burning skin
    • Severe itching
    • Sleeplessness due to burning and itching
    • Symptoms getting worse at night due to dry and cold winds
    • Symptoms improve in open air
    • Excessive thirst
    • Temperature goes down with sweating during fever, making the person feel better
    • Coldness of face, with burning in the rest of the body
  • Belladonna
    Common Name:
    Deadly nightshade
    Symptoms: Patients who benefit from this remedy experience some of the following symptoms: 
    • Sudden onset of symptoms
    • Burning sensation in the body, especially the skin
    • Pus-filled eruptions on the face
    • Enlargement of glands and lymph nodes along with eruptions on the skin
    • Swelling and pain in glands of the skin and neck
    • Red-coloured boils
    • Swelling and hardness around the areas of boils
    • Lack of thirst during fever
    • Burning sensation in the body along with fever, but feet remain icy cold
    • Perspiration only on the head during fever
    • Symptoms worsened by the slightest movement
    • Restlessness
    • Tendency to become angry and furious during the illness
    • Red, and swollen face
    • Swollen upper lip
    • Burning throat pain shooting to the ears that worsen with drinking
  • Antimonium Crudum
    Common Name:
    Black sulphide of antimony
    Symptoms: Patients who benefit from this remedy have some of the following symptoms:
    • Eruptions filled with pus or clear fluid
    • Burning and dry skin
    • Shooting pains when the skin is touched or pressed
    • Burning, scaly eruptions
    • Itching that worsens at night
    • Dry rashes along with gastric disturbances
    • Loss of appetite
    • Symptoms are worse at night, with heat and on bathing or washing
    • Symptoms are better in open air
    • The person do not like to be looked at or touched.
  • Mercurius Solubilis
    Common Name:
    Symptoms: Patients who benefit from this remedy experience some of the following symptoms:
    • Constantly moist skin
    • Tendency for profuse perspiration without relief from symptoms
    • Eruptions that are filled with clear fluid or pus
    • Occasional formation of irregular-shaped ulcers
    • Itchy eruptions and rashes, mostly due to the warmth of the bed
    • Formation of yellowish crusts as the eruptions dry
    • Swelling of lymph nodes and glands
    • Large, infected eruptions
    • Symptoms worse with the slightest change in weather and at night
    • Excessive drooling of saliva in children
  • Pulsatilla Pratensis
    Common Name: Windflower
    Symptoms: Pulsatilla is used in cases where the infection does not resolve easily. It is suited to children who like to be caressed and fussed over and demand a lot of attention. Patients who benefit from this remedy report some of the following symptoms:
    • Lingering symptoms even after illness, especially in children
    • Red rashes all over the body
    • Tearfulness and weakness in children
    • Yellowish, thick nasal discharge
    • Lack of thirst
    • Symptoms improve in open air
    • Lingering earaches post infection
    • Symptoms mostly occur after eating rich and heavy food
  • Rhus Toxicodendron
    Common Name:
    Poison ivy
    Symptoms: This remedy is good for herpes and urticaria-like skin conditions. Patients who benefit from this remedy have some of the following symptoms:
    • Red, swollen skin eruptions
    • Severe, unbearable itching
    • Vesicles (fluid-filled eruptions) on skin
    • Swelling of glands
    • Swelling of feet
    • Burning sensation in the eruptions which have a tendency to skin scaling
    • Intense thirst and desire for cold milk
    • Extreme restlessness. The person  moves about here and there
    • Tearing pains in muscles and joints
    • All foods taste bitter
    • Symptoms become worse due to cold and at night
    • Symptoms are better during warm and dry weather and with movement.
  • Sulphur
    Common Name:
    Sublimated sulphur
    Symptoms: Sulphur suits people who do not like washing and water and who are uncomfortable while standing. It works well in individuals who are lean in spite of a good appetite. Patients who benefit from this remedy have some of the following symptoms:
    • Severe, intense itching which is uncontrollable
    • Burning pain
    • Excessive dryness of the skin
    • Eruptions that have a tendency to scaling
    • Pus formation on skin even with the slightest injury
    • Itching and burning that worsens after washing and scratching
    • Severe, uncontrollable itching on exposure to warmth
    • Symptoms worse in damp weather
    • Excessive burning and itching of skin
    • Foul smelling sweat and bad breath
  • Variolinum
    Common Name: Lymph from a smallpox pustule
    Symptoms: Patients who benefit from this remedy have some of the following symptoms:
    • Hot and dry skin
    • Eruptions which are filled with clear fluid or pus
    • Sensation of closed throat, cough with thick mucus and difficulty in breathing
    • Constant feeling of a lump in the right side of the throat
    • Marked tiredness and restlessness

Variolinum is also good for herpes zoster infection which occurs due to the same virus (varicella zoster) that causes chickenpox.

  • Apis Mellifica
    Common Name:
    Honey bee
    Symptoms: Individuals who benefit from this remedy are very awkward and clumsy and they keep dropping things. This remedy works well in case of following symptoms:
    • Skin eruptions with a burning sensation on the skin
    • Swelling of skin, especially after insect bites
    • Stinging sensation on the skin
    • Rose-coloured eruptions
    • Excessive fidgeting and restlessness
    • Fever with thirst
    • Symptoms worsen on exposure to heat
    • Pain becomes severe with touch and pressure
    • Extremely drowsy
    • Predominantly right-sided symptoms
    • Symptoms improve in open air


  • In acute disease conditions, it is necessary to pay attention to the patient’s needs. He or she will crave certain things that will give them some relief and hence these should be provided.
  • Room temperature and clothing should be according to the patient’s comfort.
  • To promote recovery, it is necessary to give the patient healthy and nutritious food.


  • Do not keep homoeopathic medicines where other strong substances are kept. For example, near perfumes or sunlight as they can react with these medicines and interfere with their action.
  • Avoid giving any kind of mental stress to the patient, instead, let them take adequate rest.
  • The patient should not be given unhealthy food or things that can irritate the system.

Chickenpox is known to be a self-limiting disease, but for symptomatic relief, one can seek homoeopathy, which will improve the inherent immunity of an individual to fight the virus. Many children receive vaccination to prevent chickenpox. However, one of the studies conducted on immunisation showed that this vaccine may cause some complications. Therefore, homoeopathic remedies may be a better option compared to the vaccine as it induces a short-term immunity and increases the resistance of the body, especially in case of an epidemic.

Just like a conventional vaccine that contains the antigen of the virus in an inactive state and is administered before the onset of the disease, homoeopathic medicines, especially nosodes, can be given prior to the onset of the disease. It can be administered to the affected person and other family members on the basis of individualism and symptoms. When administered before the onset of infection, homoeopathic medicines primarily work at increasing the resistance and immunity of the individual to prevent the onset of symptoms. After the onset of disease, homoeopathic remedies like aconite, belladonna, pulsatilla and variolinum can be given on the basis of the symptoms to help treat chickenpox as well as increase body’s resistance to it.

There has been no documentation of any side effects or risks associated with taking homoeopathic medicines. However, self-medication should be avoided and it is best to consult a qualified homoeopathic doctor to know the right dosage for long-term benefits.

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Chickenpox is a self-limiting viral disease. The vaccination given to prevent chickenpox may cause harmful effects. Homoeopathy helps in treating the infection symptomatically and also increases the natural resistance of the body. Homoeopathy can be given as a preventive medicine if similar symptoms are seen in many individuals. Administration of the right remedy in the correct dosage based on individual symptoms can provide long-term benefits. 

Dr. Neha Taori

Dr. Neha Taori

13 Years of Experience

Dr. Ananya Gupta

Dr. Ananya Gupta

3 Years of Experience

Dr. Anmol Sharma

Dr. Anmol Sharma

5 Years of Experience

Dr. Sarita jaiman

Dr. Sarita jaiman

11 Years of Experience


  1. Cleveland Clinic. [Internet]. Cleveland, Ohio. Varicella.
  2. Department of Health[internet]. New York State Department; Chickenpox (varicella zoster infection).
  3. National Center for Homeopathy Chicken pox - Homeopathic treatment vs. immunization. Mount Laurel, New Jersey [Internet].
  4. Rajput H. Homeopathic Prophylaxis: Just Homeopathic Vaccination or More. J Homeopat Ayurv Med 1:e105. doi: 10.4172/2167-1206.1000e105, 2012.
  5. William Boericke. Homeopathic Materia Medica. Kessinger Publishing: Médi-T 1999, Volume 1
  6. Wenda Brewster O’really. Organon of Medical Art. 1st edition 2010 , 3rd impression 2017.
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