Bachon ke naam

Boy names starting with

Girl names starting with

Name Meaning Religion
Prattysha Morning Hindu
Prattusha Beautiful. soft Hindu
Pratosh Extreme delight Hindu
Pratiti Faith, Understanding Hindu
Pratitha Well known Hindu
Pratit Manifested, Confident, Famous Hindu
Pratistha Pre-eminence Hindu
Pratishwar Sakshat Ishwar Hindu
Pratishtha Pre-eminence Hindu
Pratish Hope, Expectation, Pre-eminence Hindu
Pratima Beautiful pleasant, Icon, Idol, Statue Hindu
Pratim The Sunlight Hindu
Pratikshya To wait, Expectation Hindu
Pratikshili Hindu
Pratiksha Hope, Waiting for something Hindu
Pratiksh Hindu
Pratikriti Hindu
Pratika Image, Beautiful, Symbol, Symbolic Hindu
Pratik Symbol, First word in a sentence Hindu
Pratigya Pledge, Vow Hindu
Pratidnya Pledge Hindu
Pratichii West Hindu
Pratichi West Hindu
Pratibodh Knowledge Hindu
Pratibha Light, Keen intellect Hindu
Prati One who appreciates and loves music Hindu
Prathyusha Saisudha, Early morning, Dawn Hindu
Prathyush Dawn, The Sun Hindu
Prathyumna Victory Hindu
Prathysha Saisudha, Early morning, Dawn Hindu
Prathvi Goddess Sita, Princess Hindu
Prathusha Saisudha, Early morning, Dawn Hindu
Prathulya Incomparable Hindu
Prathul Plenty Hindu
Prathu Name of a king with blessings of Lord Vishnu Hindu
Prathmesh Lord Ganesh, One(god who is venerated before all other gods Hindu
Prathitha Confident Hindu
Prathith Manifested, Confident Hindu
Prathit Manifested, Confident, Famous Hindu
Prathish Hope, Expectation, Pre-eminence Hindu
Prathima Beautiful pleasant, Icon, Idol, Statue Hindu
Prathiksha Hope, Waiting for something Hindu
Prathika Image, Beautiful, Symbol, Symbolic Hindu
Prathik Symbol, First word in a sentence Hindu
Prathibha Light, Keen intellect Hindu
Pratheesh Hope, Expectation, Pre-eminence Hindu
Prathav Hindu
Prathap Dignity, Majesty Hindu
Prathana Wealth Hindu
Prathameshwara First among all Hindu
Prathamesh Lord God, Lord Ganesh, Lord of the best Hindu
Prathama It means, The first, Its a name of Goddess Shakti Hindu
Pratham Always first Hindu
Pratha Trend, Custom Hindu
Prath Arjun, Son of the earth king, Prince, Another name of Arjun, Derived from his mothers name Pritha (Kunti) Hindu
Prateshi Hindu
Prateet Manifested, Confident Hindu
Prateep King, Shantanus father Hindu
Prateeka Image, Beautiful, Symbol, Symbolic Hindu
Prateek Symbol, First word in a sentence Hindu
Pratapavate Known for valour Hindu
Pratapavat Known for valour Hindu
Pratap Dignity, Majesty Hindu
Pratanu Hindu
Pratamesh Lord God, Lord Ganesh, Lord of the best Hindu
Prasuti Daughter of Manu and Consort of Daksha Prajapathi Hindu
Prasutha Flower Hindu
Prasunna A flower, Beautiful flowers, Cheerful, Pleased, Happy Hindu
Prasuna A flower, Beautiful flowers, Cheerful, Pleased, Happy Hindu
Prasun Flower, Blossom Hindu
Prasuk Very pure Hindu
Prasoona A flower, Beautiful flowers, Cheerful, Pleased, Happy Hindu
Prasoon Flower, Blossom Hindu
Prasna Hindu
Prasitha Prasitham Hindu
Prasit First Ray of the winter Sun Hindu
Prasidhi Famous Hindu
Prasidhhi Famous Hindu
Prasiddhi Accomplishment, Fame Hindu
Prashvita Goddess Parvati, Consort of Lord Shiva Hindu
Prashvi Hindu
Prashray Love, Respect Hindu
Prashob Who is with light or glance Hindu
Prashila Hindu
Prashi Accomplishment, Fame Hindu
Prasheila Ancient time Hindu
Prasheetha Origin, Starting point Hindu
Prasheel Prasheel Hindu
Prashasti Fame, Praise Hindu
Prashasth Learned one who shows the way, Path Prashast kee-jee-ye, Congenial Hindu
Prashast Learned one who shows the way, Path Prashast kee-jee-ye, Congenial Hindu
Prashanti Highest peace Hindu
Prashanthi Highest peace Hindu
Prashantha Calm Hindu
Prashanth Calm and composed, Peace Hindu
Prashanta Calm Hindu
Prashant Calm and composed, Peace Hindu
Prashansha Hindu
Prashansa Praise Hindu
Prashanna Cheerful, Pleased, Happy, Pleasant Hindu