Dr. Anup Kumar (Physiotherapist)
Dr. Anup Kumar (Physiotherapist) is a well-known Orthopedics in Ghaziabad. Dr. Anup Kumar (Physiotherapist) has been a practicing doctor for over 9 years. Dr. Anup Kumar (Physiotherapist) specialises in Sports Massage Therapy, Customised Splinting & Bracing, Computerised Traction, Pre and Post Natal Massage, sports physical therapy, Orthopaedic Physiotherapy. Dr. Anup Kumar (Physiotherapist)'s profile page has the full list of expertise. Christolyte Holistic & Rehabilitation Care - National Highway 2, Sector 15, Atal Chowk, Landmark: Near Atal Chowk vasundhara Ghaziabad -
Clinic fee: ₹300.0
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