Injury is a general term for any damage to the body (minor or life-threatening) caused by accidents, hits, falls, chemicals, weapons and more. According to the World Health Organisation (WHO), more than 5.8 million people lose their lives to injuries every year, accounting for 10% of the deaths globally. The common types of injuries are as follows:

Wounds are injuries that damage the skin and other body tissues. Cuts, scrapes and scratches are examples of minor wounds. These commonly occur as a result of an accident. Surgeries and surgical sutures also cause wounds. Injuries that are caused by a violent blunt or penetrating force and require immediate medical attention are called traumatic injuries. These injuries commonly occur due to motor vehicle collisions, sports, natural disasters, gunshots and explosives. Broken bones, collapsed lungs, spine fractures, burns, electrical injuries, dislocated or broken jaw and injury to the brain are examples of traumatic injuries.

Treatments vary according to the location and severity of injuries. Surgery may be performed in severe cases such as a facial injury with broken bones.

Homeopathic treatment not only helps heal injuries but also the psychological symptoms associated with injuries. Unlike conventional treatment, homeopathic doctors also take into account the physical and mental traits of a person (along with their symptoms) before prescribing a remedy. Hence, homeopathy is a personalised mode of treatment - every individual gets a unique remedy that suits them well.

Some of the homeopathic remedies that are used for treating various types of injuries include arnica montana, bellis perennis, calendula officinalis, hamamelis virginiana, rhus toxicodendron, ledum palustre, hypericum perforatum and symphytum officinale. 

  1. Homeopathic medicines for injury
  2. Dietary and lifestyle changes for an injury patient as per homeopathy
  3. How effective are homeopathic medicines and treatments for injury
  4. Side effects and risks of homeopathic medicine and treatments for injury
  5. Takeaway
  • Arnica Montana
    Common Name:
    Leopard's bane
    Symptoms: This remedy is best suited to treat traumatic injuries, strains and overuse of any organs. It helps reduce symptoms due to contusions, falls, blows and pus infections. Leopard's bane also helps manage the following symptoms:
    • Mastitis (inflammation of breast tissue) due to injury
    • Bruised and sore feeling in the body
    • Sharp pinching pains in the head
    • Bruised and sore feeling in the eye
    • Fits of coughing associated with nosebleeds 
    • Severe pain in the left elbow
    • Pain in the back and limbs, the patient feels like the area is bruised 
    • Soreness in arms and legs due to overexertion
    • Bruising pain in the pelvis which makes it impossible to walk

Symptoms worsen in cold and damp conditions, on moving or touching the affected part. The patient feels better when he/she lies down or keeps one's head low

  • Bellis Perennis
    Common Name:
    Symptoms: Bellis Perennis is an effective remedy for bruises and contusions in the breasts and sprains and strains in the body. It also helps treat bruising pelvic pain. Other symptoms that can be treated using this remedy are:
    • Bruising pain in the head
    • Weakness of abdominal muscles in women along with pain.
    • Pain in the walls of the uterus
    • Joint pain
    • Sore muscles
    • Sprains in arms and legs; the joint feels as if an elastic band is wrapped around it
    • Fluid-filled wounds on the skin
    • Swollen skin, which is sensitive to touch
    • Varicose veins with a sore and bruised feeling

Symptoms worsen on exposure to cold winds and on lying on the left side in a warm bed.

  • Calendula Officinalis
    Common Name:
    Symptoms: Calendula Officinalis works well in those who have a tendency to catch a cold, especially in damp weather. It is known to be an excellent remedy for wounds and post-operative and traumatic injuries. This remedy also helps manage the following symptoms:
    • Deep cut or tears in the scalp
    • Eye injuries which form pus
    • Swelling in the submaxillary glands (salivary glands), which is painful to touch
    • Coryza (inflammation in the inner lining of nose) in one nostril, with green discharge
    • Dragging and stretching pain in the groin
    • Skin wounds with raised edges and proud flesh (excessive granulation tissue) 
    • Mild burns
    • Erysipelas (large red patches on the skin due to bacterial infection)
    • Open wounds
    • Ulcers

Symptoms worsen in damp and cloudy weather.

  • Hamamelis Virginiana
    Common Name:
    Symptoms: Witch-hazel is given to those who experience bruising pain in the affected parts. It helps treat traumatic wounds, contusions, scalds and wounds that bleed profusely. This remedy is also used to treat the following symptoms
    • Profuse bleeding from the nose
    • Piles with profuse bleeding and soreness
    • Sore ulcers on the skin
    • Varicose veins pain
    • Sore muscles and joints 
    • Skin burns
    • Ecchymosis (bruise)
    • Phlebitis (inflammation of veins)

Symptoms worsen in moist and warm air

  • Rhus Toxicodendron
    Common Name:
    Symptoms: Rhus toxicodendron is best suited to people who experience tearing pains that feel like the tissue is being torn in two. It provides relief from strains, contusions, sprains and traumatic injuries and is also used to manage the following symptoms:
    • Inflammations in eyes along with pustules (pimples or blisters filled with pus)
    • Old injuries in eyes
    • Discharge of blood and pus from ears
    • Cracking in jaws while chewing
    • Erysipelas with swelling on the face
    • Easy dislocation of jawbones
    • Stiffness and pain in the lower back
    • Swelling and pain in joints
    • Stiffness and paralysis of limbs
    • Skin pain on exposure to cold air 
    • Swollen lymph nodes
    • Burning skin eruptions that tend to form scales

Symptoms worsen during the cold and rainy season, while sleeping and taking rest, and on lying on the right side or back. They become better with warm applications, after taking a walk, in warm and dry conditions, on rubbing the affected area, and on stretching out the limbs.

  • Ledum Palustre
    Common Name:
    Symptoms: This remedy is best suited for people who lack body heat. It is used to treat puncture wounds due to bites or sharp-pointed objects, especially if the wounded areas feel cold. Other symptoms that can be treated with this remedy are:
    • Prolonged discolouration of the skin after injuries
    • Ecchymosis
    • Crepitus (cracking in joints), which worsens after lying in a warm bed
    • Shooting pain in limbs, especially in small joints
    • Swollen ankles
    • Crusty eruptions around the mouth and nose
    • Lacerating (deep/gashing) wounds
    • Slit and puncture wounds
    • Bruises in eyes

Symptoms worsen at night and from the warmth of a bed. Symptoms improve in cold conditions and after putting one's feet in cold water.

  • Hypericum Perforatum
    Common Name:
    St. John's-wort
    Symptoms: This remedy is used for treating puncture wounds, bruises and injured nerves. It reduces the anxiety and depression following injuries and operations and is also beneficial against the following symptoms:
    • Twitching and jerking of muscles
    • Injury to the coccyx (small triangular bone at the base of spine) due to a fall
    • Sores or old ulcers in mouth
    • Wounds with uneven edges and too much exhaustion due to blood loss
    • Hair loss at the site of injury
    • Bruised sensation in joints
    • Darting pain in shoulders
    • Lancinating pain in arms and legs
    • Injuries of toes, nails and fingers

Symptoms worsen in damp and cold weather, in foggy conditions and on touching the affected area. The patient feels better on bending their head backwards.

  • Symphytum Officinale
    Common Name:
    Symptoms: Symphytum officinale is best suited for the treatment of non-union fractures. It also helps treat strains, bruises in eyes, sprains, lacerated wounds, contusions and wounds that penetrate the bones and periosteum (layer of tissue that covers the bone). This remedy is often used as a local application over sores and ulcers as a dressing to expedite healing. It also helps reduce the following symptoms:
    • Inflammation of bones along with swelling and redness
    • Traumatic injuries of eyes
    • Eye pain that occurs due to a blow to the eye with an blunt object
    • Tendon and ligament injuries
    • Bones sensitive and prone to fracture
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Homeopathic remedies are highly diluted preparations. Various dietary and lifestyle factors can hinder their healing action. Dr Hahnemann, the founder of homeopathy, recommended the following guidelines to achieve maximum benefits from homeopathic therapy:


  • In the case of chronic injuries, wear linen clothing in summer, live an active lifestyle and keep your surroundings clean.
  • In the case of acute injuries, adjust the room temperature according to your comfort and gratify your desires for food and drink, in moderate amounts.


  • In the case of chronic injuries, do not consume vegetables and herbs that are known to have medicinal properties.
  • Do not have beer prepared from herbs and herbal teas, or strong stimulating beverages of any kind.
  • Do not eat spicy and sugary foods in excess.
  • Do not use strongly scented perfumes or waters.

Homeopathy is a holistic mode of treatment that focusses on treating every individual based on their physical, mental, emotional, spiritual and social traits. Homeopathic remedies stimulating the body’s innate healing mechanisms that not only promote healing of injuries but also relieve the associated symptoms. Additionally, these remedies regulate body functions like digestion, quality of sleep, energy levels and mood.

The remedies can be given to treat minor cuts and wounds or before and after surgery to help achieve quick recovery and counter any effects of anaesthetics, anxiety or shock.

A study was conducted in Israel to evaluate the efficacy of homeopathy as an adjunct to conventional orthopaedic treatment in injured patients. Fifteen patients were included in the study, all of them were part of a multiple-casualty construction disaster. The remedies were administered in two phases within 24 hours of the trauma. Arnica montana in a single dose of 200CH was administered to all the patients initially. Aconite 200CH was given to nine patients, opium 200CH to three, ignatia 200CH to two and arsenicum album 200CH to one, based on the type of anxiety they experienced. On the following day, 89% of patients reported reduced anxiety, 58% experienced improvement, 61% felt that the homeopathic treatment was beneficial and most patients reported lessening of pain. On the day of discharge, all patients rated homeopathic therapy to be successful in providing relief from 67% of the specific complaints.

As homeopathic remedies are prepared using natural ingredients like minerals and herbs, they are considered safe to use. These remedies are highly diluted and potentised before being used and are taken in extremely small amounts. Thus it is highly unlikely that someone gets an allergic response or side effects from homeopathic medicines. In fact, homeopathic remedies are known to be safe in children, older people and pregnant women. However, it is necessary to carefully follow the prescription of a qualified homeopathic doctor to experience the full benefits of an effective homeopathic treatment.

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Injuries, whether minor or severe, can be painful and disabling. Conventional treatment depends on the severity of the injury and surgery remains the only option for severe injuries.

Homeopathic remedies are considered to be a safer option compared to conventional medicines, as they do not produce any side effects even with long-term treatment. They also do not cause allergies or addictions—an essential property for treating sensitive conditions like injuries. Homeopathic remedies can be used to treat cuts, bruises, burns and other minor injuries effectively, as a stand-alone therapy or along with conventional medicines to heal anxiety and other issues before and after the surgery for a major injury.

It is best to talk to a doctor before taking any remedy.


  1. MedlinePlus Medical Encyclopedia. [Internet] US National Library of Medicine; Wounds and Injuries
  2. The George Institute for Global Health. Injury. Australia; [Internet]
  3. UF Health. [Internet] University of Florida Health, Florida, U.S. Traumatic Injury
  4. UCSF health: University of California [internet]; Facial Injury Treatment
  5. The European Comittee for Homeopathy. Benefits of Homeopathy. Belgium; [Internet]
  6. Oscar E. Boericke. Repertory. Médi-T; [lnternet]
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