The heart is an important part of our body, which pumps blood throughout the body. When the body is unable to pump blood, the risk of many serious heart-related diseases increases. This also includes heart attack and heart failure. Heart attack and heart failure both are heart diseases. Most people consider heart attack and heart failure to be the same, but these two are different problems. The symptoms and causes of heart attack and heart failure are also different.

Today, in this article, you will learn in detail about the symptoms, causes, and treatment of heart attack and heart failure -

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  1. Heart attack
  2. Symptoms of heart attack
  3. Causes of heart attack
  4. Heart attack treatment
  5. Heart failure
  6. Symptoms of heart failure
  7. Causes of heart failure
  8. Heart failure treatment
  9. Takeaway
Doctors for Difference between heart attack and heart failure

Heart attack comes suddenly to any person. A heart attack occurs when one of the arteries leading to the heart becomes blocked and blocks blood flow. In this situation, oxygen does not reach the heart and without oxygen, the muscles of the heart start dying, due to which the person gets a heart attack.

Let us tell you that in a heart attack, the ability of the heart to pump blood becomes weak, due to which heart failure can occur. Sometimes heart failure can occur suddenly after a heart attack.

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By the way, the symptoms of heart attack are not noticeable. Hence, it is also called a silent heart attack. Nevertheless, before a heart attack, the body can give some common signs, which should not be ignored at all. Heart attack symptoms can vary from person to person -

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Heart attack can come due to blockage in the coronary artery. A heart attack usually occurs when some condition damages the heart or when the heart has to work harder to pump blood. The causes of heart attack are as follows -

Coronary artery disease

Coronary artery disease is considered the main cause of heart attack. In this condition, plaque builds up on the artery walls. When plaque accumulates in the arteries and the coronary arteries become narrow. This can lead to the rupture of plaque within the coronary artery, which leads to the formation of a blood clot. A blood clot obstructs the flow of blood through the coronary artery and can lead to a heart attack.

(Read More - 4 Signs of Heart Disease)

Coronary artery spasm

A heart attack can occur when there is a sudden spasm in the coronary artery. When there is a spasm in the coronary artery, the blood flow gets obstructed. This can be due to stress, overexposure to cold, or the use of drugs like cocaine.

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Heart attack treatment aims to prevent or reduce serious damage to the heart muscle. Before treating it, it is necessary to confirm a heart attack. Doctors can treat heart attacks with the help of some medicines and therapy -

After treating a heart attack, doctors try to improve blood flow. Coronary angioplasty treatment can be done for this. In this, a balloon is used to open the artery and improve blood flow. In this situation, the doctor can insert a stent to keep the artery open. Also, after treating a heart attack, doctors can prescribe medicines to reduce clotting, blood pressure, and pressure on the heart. This can prevent heart attacks from coming again.

(Read More - Minor heart attack treatment)

The problem of heart failure usually develops gradually. Heart failure occurs when the weakened heart muscles are unable to pump blood to nourish the cells in the body. Heart failure is a chronic condition, which gradually worsens, but with the help of medicines, it can help to prevent the symptoms of heart failure from progressing.

(Read More - Heart and blood related diseases)

Symptoms of heart failure depend on the severity. Shortness of breath and pain in the right or left side of the heart are the most common symptoms of heart failure, but as the heart weakens, its symptoms worsen. Symptoms of heart failure can be -

  • Feeling general weakness
  • Difficulty breathing
  • Trouble concentrating
  • Cough frequently
  • Feeling tired
  • Bluish discoloration of fingers and lips
  • Difficulty sleeping
  • Loss of appetite

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Commonly some medical conditions, injuries, and infections can lead to heart failure. Heart failure can affect both the left and right sides of the heart. The left side pumps oxygen-rich blood throughout the body, while the right side collects oxygen-poor blood and pumps it to the lungs for oxygenation. When these functions are interrupted, a condition of heart failure can arise. Heart failure can be caused by the following -

Systolic failure

Systolic failure is often caused by chronic conditions. In this situation, the heart can become weak and damaged. These problems can cause systolic failure -

  • Coronary heart disease
  • Damage to the heart from a previous heart attack
  • Heart valve position

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Diastolic failure

Diastolic failure can be caused by conditions that force the heart to work harder to pump blood. In the event of diastolic failure, the heart tissue can become stiff. Diastolic failure can be due to these reasons -

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Right-side heart failure

Heart failure on the right side is mainly due to heart failure on the left side. When the left side of the heart is weak, blood backs up into the right side of your heart. Due to this, the heart has to work harder to pump blood. There can be some other reasons for right-side heart failure as well -

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In the condition of heart failure, doctors can give medicines used for heart attacks. This includes medicines to lower blood pressure or slow the heart rate. Apart from this, diuretic medicine can also be given. This will reduce swelling and shortness of breath.

Along with medication, lifestyle changes such as quitting smokingreducing weight, reducing salt, and exercising can also prove beneficial in heart failure. If the problem is more, surgery can be done and even a pacemaker can be fitted. At the same time, heart transplants can be done in severe cases.

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Heart attack and heart failure are two conditions that can cause similar risks. A heart attack occurs when the blood flow is partially or completely obstructed. On the other hand, heart failure occurs when the heart is not able to pump enough blood properly in the body. Although both of these can affect the heart, the symptoms, causes, and treatment of heart attack and heart failure are different from each other. In such a situation, the symptoms of heart attack and heart failure can be prevented from increasing with the right lifestyle, diet, and regular exercise.

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